It felt like 'hell' trekking through the street of Nnebisi to my house.Though my black-alpha-shaped sun glasses seemed to save my sight, but my skin took the beat. Initially, i thought the sun would continue to shimmer. But now, it was terribly scotching than i have long felt. It felt like a vampire exposed to light and i couldn't take it no longer as my skin protested in perspiration and burn.
   I ran into the shade of a provision store, less concerned about a few persons who were there. I was only saving myself until i found a better way home - a tricycle possibly. I faintly noticed a woman was staring at me with intent and a little disdain. To second check my guess, she was indeed. Before i turned my face away, she said almost yelling; ”Ahh! Why you dey run comot for sun? Abi you no know say sun good for body”? I thought it was a joke initially until i noticed that intent and disdain still registered on her face. To answer her in a polite manner - for a woman so intellectually naive -who would find it hard to sink down the difference between the dangers of toxic sun rays and the shimmering sunlight of late morning, i said; "Ah! Me no want again o. My body don dey pepper me” . But It was a mistake. I should have said something else. Or maybe just smiled and kept quite. It would look rude anyway, but better as to avoid the almost frenzy argument that ensued trying to convince her that such sun rays is bad for the skin and health and could lead to cancer.
What a drag!!!

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Always have your shades (sunglasses) on and hat as well. If possible an umbrella. And for those who have rides, enjoy. STAY HEALTHY.

Photo credit: WikiImages 


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