It was 1am in the morning when the girls came in from one of their parties. Mary had gone to see Nick earlier before the girls had left. After which she took a nap when she came back. By then the girls were gone. Nick was a guy she met in her second year in school. Initially she had ignored him for his loquacious and excessive jokes. There was nothing physically striking about him not to mention he was skinny, except for the fact that he knew a lot of people in campus which was strange for his reputation. But there was something about him; he was free-spirited and cajoling. Her mom had called her on her trip to Nick’s house, coaxing her to come visit. But she was adamant about it. Her last visit didn’t give so much hope. It rather made her have the feel that she was insouciant to the current family situation. Besides, nothing would come out of it except seeing her younger ones and mother.  She wanted things to change. She wanted a Job. And that wouldn’t happen by visiting her folks she thought.

            Nick promised to see what he could do, and even promised there were good chances of her getting a part time job while schooling. “You are intelligent and smart. And sure, striking”. He said. And it excited her a lot.

“Hey babe, how far”?

 Chioma asked smirking. Mary suspected something was on. When they came in, Rita and Chioma briskly looked at her. Of course Jessica would have told the two girls what she had told her earlier in the day. But that wasn’t the problem. She was more scared that the girls had already made up their minds to tell her to leave if she couldn’t pay.

 “Hey babes, una welcome.” Mary replied.  

“How you dey”?

 “I dey”.

 “Chioma, I need to tell you something please.” Chioma was looking at her now. Silence filled the room immediately. They all wanted to hear what she had to say.

“I wasn’t referring to you guys anyway, but it affects you as much as it affects me too', sighing,  I know I’m supposed to remit my fee for the house rent before now. I’m also sure you guys know my current situation and I’m not trying to put burden on anyone. All I want to say is, I’ll pay. I’ve been looking for something to do to fetch me cash, and my hopes are live. I’m not certain when this will happen, but I’m sure it will by God’s grace. I just need you guys to give me some time. I promise”. Silence. “I’ve not even paid my school fees either.” Her eyes were swelling up with tears now. “I’ll-“she was choking. “Pay you guys up soon. Just help me stall the landlord for a while.”
Jessica came and sat with her on the bed holding her hands, consoling her. “It’s Ok. It’s going to be fine.” Chioma and Rita didn’t utter a word but something registered on their faces. They were touched. They’ve never seen Mary so overwhelmed. Not even when her father died. Or perhaps they were not around to notice.

“Girl, you’ve got to learn how to fish.” Chioma chipped in.

“I’m ready to learn if you teach me”.

 They all laughed.  “You got to hustle on your own and forget your parents and relatives”. Chioma continued. This time intently.

“Do you think this Job would even work out? For me Laye! It won’t. Just look at me, Jessie and Rita, do you think we survive with our parents money? Do you think we would survive all this chaos on this campus with the stipends we get from our folks? See eh, I’m not telling you to go against your moral standards o, but sometimes we need to make Bitter Sweet sacrifices. And besides, people admire you”.

The room was quite. They all knew what that meant. Mary stared at Chioma now in disbelief, to what she thought Chioma meant by we need to make bitter sweet sacrifices. Besides, people admire you. “Thanks Chi”. She had to be calm. She didn’t want to spoil her chances of staying in the house for a week or two till she gets something doing.


Mary had been in the school library waiting for Nick. The sun was shiny. The ambience of that morning was clement and invigorating. The shimmering sunlight made the morning air crisp, as it whispered in Mary’s ear. She loved it. It made her feel her hopes were certain.
She stepped out of the building to go for her lectures. She had waited for Nick for forty-five minutes. He didn’t show up, he didn’t call her cell either. She would have called but she was out of airtime.

“Ann”. She turned around to see who was calling. The voice sounded familiar but was a bit coarse. It was Nick.

“I’ve been waiting for close to an hour here. What happened? You should have told me you changed your schedule.” She was infuriated. Yes she needed help, but not to be taken for granted. She had other things to worry about. “And what happened to your voice”?

“I went for a singing spree”. She wasn’t giving in to his jokes. “I’m so sorry.' Apologizing this time. "I went to a party yesterday. I came in this morning. I wouldn’t say I over slept because I didn’t sleep up to three hours.” Yawning.

“I’m sure you haven’t bathed either.”

“Leave that one to me”. He said smiling. “So I spoke to the guy I told you about. He doesn’t really have a Job space now, considering you’re schooling and stuffs” And stuffs?  But He wants you to come around to his office”.

“He wants me to come to his office”? She interjected. It sounded disturbing to her. “If he doesn’t have a job space then why would he want to see me? Or did you tell him what I told you”?

“Hey, relax.”

“Did you”?

 She interjected again. “No, I didn’t miss Ann”. Smiling again. “This is his card. Call him. He’s a big guy. Trust me on this one”. She took a sigh. Not sure if it was a sigh of relief or that of fatigue by this life. It wasn’t so much that she wanted to hear. But it was a big shot. And she had to take it or at least try it out. When Nick left, she walked back into the library. She was happy and scared. She wanted something but it wasn’t as easy as she had garnered in her mind. This was reality. As she sat, she briskly noticed that a girl was staring at her. Ann was crying. No one hurt her. Her emotions were just dealing with her. Perhaps, teaching her a lesson. One she couldn’t learn from her counselors or tutors. 


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