Under the clouds the moon appeared so dull yet bright enough to see the trees the birds and bats flying so swiftly, a rustling sound of mild wind began to set in gradually meanwhile the bush around buzz with sounds from various insects.

It gradually began to get dark! all alone; I suddenly found myself all the stars seem to have sunken so

 deep in the cloud. I began to feel real emptiness inside of me like am standing still while the world around me moved so fast though, people around me; I felt so alone I felt like am looking for something or someone but really couldnt figure it out.

It was like something so special slipped off my finger and I watched helplessly like I dont really care not so sure though! but it was obvious that a very big part of me was missing just dont know where or how to find it, worse still; dont even know what it is, just wish it could find me.

I've lost track of time and space because am deep in thoughts and yet cant figure out what I was thinking. Back to consciousness, I found myself starring so hard at the cloud and I began to wonder! Where are the stars? Where are the birds?

Again I felt so lonely Like a child abandoned by the wards. Emotions running high as tears well up in my eyes and rolled down my cheek. I felt like breaking down so I let out a shout wondering that someone might find me.

Suddenly, I heard a sound but when I looked around I saw no one. I felt a gentle touch from behind but when I turned back I saw no one. what I heard and what I felt happened only in my thoughts they werent real! just a figment of my imagination; so sad

I thought I could let go but I have sunk so deep

deep in my thoughts

thought of my world

world filled with pain

pain felt in vain

in vain I have waited so long

so long for someone to find me!

Am still waiting


and hoping

that someday

someone will find me!

BY Timothy Mukoro


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