There is practically nothing or should I say rarely things you would hate about a girl/boy you have a crush on, on social media. No faults. He/she is always that perfect soul. Even if you find one (fault) you contemplate on it and rationalize. You begin to admire, endorse and credit everything he/she says, chats actually. From long conversations, emotions stirs up, you have a heavy heart, you spend half of your night before sleep daydreaming and conclusively you say; I think I’m in love . You begin to mutter words at yourself in your privacy most time forgetting your neighbors could be watching. The truth is…. I love it. When I think about it I smile at myself. We are all humans we can’t help it most time. Yes…. some persons can fight it real hard most especially for those who consider decency, but others can’t because of what they have failed to take note of. And for the rest, they know what’s at stake, but they aren’t thinking with their head. When I said I love it I di...